In July I managed to get a little sewing done - mainly practical things like a quilt backing and quilt sleeves, but I also completed my blocks for two different traveling quilts (#Iwishicouldgotootravelingquiltbee). I made the block shown above (shooting star block by Lee Heinrich) for Jennifer Johnston's Night Sky quilt. Jennifer asked for blocks made with low-volume prints on a solid dark blue background - preferably a background made of several different blue fabrics. The blocks were supposed to be things that one might find in a night sky. Below are all the blocks that have been made for Jen's quilt so far. The second traveling bee quilt that I worked on was Stephanie Thomas's Hawaii-themed quilt. This is the second of the traveling quilts where I've had an idea for a block and have been unable to find an existing pattern. So once again, I turned to my quilt design program (EQ7) and designed my own blocks. I sketched some surf boards using the program, but in the end I made the surfboards free-hand using improv piecing techniques. Once I had my surf boards sewn in to a row, I had fun piecing the rest of the existing blocks together until we had a quilt top. These quilts still have several more rounds to travel through, but it was really fun to see one this "put together." In March of this year I did my fabric destash, but had fabric left over that didn't sell. I was tired of looking at the remaining fabric in a tub on my floor. So a bit impulsively, I put some of it back in my stash, and the rest (the majority) I put in a bag and took to my local quilt group and left it all on the "Free" table (22 yards of it). It feels great to have it out of my house and the tub out of my sewing room. Being down just about 130 yards for the year feels good too!
Fabric Diet Standings Fabric Purchases: Zero, Zilch, Zip!! Fabric Used in Projects: 25.25 Net for the Month:-25.25 Net for the Year: -129.25
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November 2023